Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Best & Worst of 2012 Music & Movies

It's the BEST & WORST of 2012 Music & far anyway.

This is according to me. It's only my opinion.

For the record, when it comes to both music AND movies, I like all genres and styles, so I try not to be an entertainment snob in what I might discuss. For instance, I really dig a lot of indie music and heck, even independent movies too, but I don't always talk about them. Most indie fans DESPISE anything mass appeal or pop or mainstream. I get it, but I like many things. I will also say, there IS a lot of crap pushed in entertainment and pop culture. I've always said, just because something is a hit, doesn't mean it's good. It could be a horrible piece of really bad crap, BUT people like that. They DO and you KNOW it. Ugh.


Mumford & Sons Babel.
I listen to it a lot. It just gets better.

Of Monsters And Men's My Head Is An Animal.
Masterpiece. Really.

Bruce Springsteen's Wrecking Ball.
I'm a fan of The Boss. I enjoy this album. I just wish he didn't talk politics so much.

Madonna's MDNA.
I think they screwed up with that first single...however, MDNA has some decent pop stuff. It probably hasn't gotten the "hits" out of it that it deserves. Superstar could be a hit imo.

Prince's R&R Affair.
The single R&R Affair is fantastic. Classic Prince, but fresh too.

Adele's Skyfall.
The music from the movie. I'm not the biggest Adele fan, but I dig it.

Van Halen's A Different Kind of Truth.
I was expecting something either excellent or garbage. It was something closer to excellent. Growing up loving hard rock (and still do), I liked this a lot.

Psy's Gangnam Style.
Now THIS is what I mean by crap. Oh, it might be catchy, but it SUCKS and those of you who bought it on iTunes etc. will say you never liked it later. That's how it goes.

I could add a lot more, but I will pass.


The Avengers starring Chris Evans & company.
I enoyed it a lot. Probably one of my favorite Superhero type flicks ever.

Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom.
Excellent work. Great film!

The Amazing Spiderman starring Andrew Garfield.
It was different, but great in it's own way.

Skyfall starring Daniel Craig.
I went to an advanced screening in Indy for this. Outstanding!

The Dark Knight Rises starring Christian Bale.
I liked it quite a bit, but due to circustances, it wasn't as big as the others.

Battleship starring Taylor Kitsch & Rihanna.
Garbage, period.

I could add a lot more, but I will pass.

Facebook: Zack Skyler
Twitter: @ZSkyler
YouTube: Zack Skyler
Tumblr: Zack Skyler
MySpace (Yeah, still): SkylerZack

Star Wars

I'm very excited for 3 Star Wars flicks in the future! The first one in 2015!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Life Lesson

Do what you can today to make tomorrow better.

Pop Life This Week

Notable tv series for the week... ABC's Last Man Standing season premiere starring Tim Allen. I really like Hunted starring Melissa George on Cinemax. It's well done.

Music & Movies for the week.
Music-Calvin Harris 18 Months, Macy Gray's Talking Book and RUN DMC's Essential.
Movies-Flight starring Denzel Washington and the animated Wreck-It Ralph.

God Bless America!

I love Dominique Storelli.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pop Life this week

Notable tv series for the week includes: NBC's tv pilot for The Munsters-esque Mockingbird Lane. It will be one time only shot. I realize everything old is new again, but FUCK, Hollywood can you PLEASE not remake stuff that shouldn't be remade. Some things are great. Leave 'em alone you whores. :)

Music this week: Taylor Swift's Red, Colbie Caillat with a Christmas album, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Bat For Lashes The Haunted Man and Stone Sour's House of Gold and Bones.

Movies this week: Cloud Atlas starring Tom Hanks & Halle Berry, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D and Chasing Mavericks.

It could be an interesting read...Tom Wolfe's Back To Blood!!

Kathleen Robertson

My pal, Kathleen Robertson...Kitty on Boss on the Starz channel.

Great show! Excellent season!! She is perfect!!!

I love this woman!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Life Lesson

Bad times make you appreciate the good times.

Pop Life This Week

Notable tv series this week-Season premiere FX's American Horror Story James Cromwell & Boss season finale on Starz.

Music this week-Christina Perri, The Cult & Smoke & Jackal's EP No. 1.

Movies this week-Paranormal Activity 4, Alex Cross starring Matthew Fox & The Session with William H. Macy.

Monday, October 8, 2012

State of TV

I'm a television fan.

I love many things, but think some things really stink. I might even hate some stuff.

The broadcast television networks are fighting for anything that resembles a hit. Let's look at each tv net.

CBS: NCIS starring Mark Harmon is a monster. Great tv series and one of my favorites. CSI, Criminal Minds and a few others really make them, for the most part, a fantastic place. Elementary and Vegas are a couple that I am enjoying now.

ABC: They had a nice streak for a while with Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. One is gone and the other isn't what it was. Last Resort starring Andre Braugher has some great potential and people seem to like it. I know I do.

NBC: It's the final hoorah for The Office. The peacock needs some help. Revolution has people talking. I kinda dig it. We will see.

FOX: American Idol is wobbly. X-Factor is whatever. I am looking forward to The Following starring Kevin Bacon. It might be one of the better things for FOX.

Let's talk news. The tv nets news divisions well, blow. ABC is the best of the bunch. I do think Diane Sawyer does a fine job. Jake Tapper is the top gun covering politics in a zero bullshit manner. CBS is alright in some spots, but very biased in many ways. NBC just sucks, biased beyond belief. I'm not sure if they will EVER fix their approach to news. Probably not.

Sports. Alright, Al Michaels is always fantastic and a few others, but my main issue with the sports boradcasts is the announcing is horrid.

Cable is KING. FX's Sons of Anarchy is the greatest thing going. AMC's The Walking Dead is a fun one. HBO's Boardwalk Empire is a beer we should all drink.

Television puts so much garbage out there. Part of it is the American appetite for crap. Reality tv needs to go...anytime would be nice. I'm over it.

I love tv. I hate the bullshit.

Pop Life This Week

Notable tv series for the week: AMC's The Walking Dead returns! ABC's Nashville starring Connie B. & Hayden P. debuts. The CW has a few debuts, including Arrow and some of their season premieres.

Music & Movies for the week:
The Script's #3.
Ellie Goulding's Halcyon.
Kiss Monster.
Jeff Lynne's Long Wave.
The Wallflowers Glad All Over.

Argo starring Ben Affleck.
Seven Psychopaths with Christopher Walken.
Sinister starring Ethan Hawke.
Here Comes The Boom with Kevin James.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ramblings, Bursting From My Brain

I hope you liked my post on the State of Radio. The State of TV is in a week. Just my thoughts and have been for some time...I really dig the latest Mumford & Sons...Traveling can be fun and I've done a lot recently. New York and Los Angeles over the next week and a half. Fortunately, I'm not paying, which makes me happy...Komets season is about to begin and I can't wait. I've been helping the Komets with some stuff recently...I caught the Lemmy documentary on VH1 Classic. I've always thought Motorhead is one of the greatest true, rock bands, ever and Lemmy is the man...The first Presidential debate is this week. Such a slimy game...Colts off over the weekend, back on this week and I hope for a huge win...The music and movie business, BUSINESS, not the performers, would be better if they weren't so LAZY and greedy on many levels...Twitter is my favorite among social media and one of my favorite things is Maxim's Hot Pic At Noon. Follow @MaximMag and you'll see what I mean. Oh, and if you wanna follow me, it's @ZSkyler...Congrats to Ryan Elijah from Indiana's News Center, who's moving on to Orlando's FOX affiliate WOFL. Great spot. FOX is located in Lake Mary, which is a beautiful place. I loved my time in Orlando. I wish Ryan great times...Live it up and own your time, it's yours.

Pop Life this week

Notable televison for the week includes: 30 Rock starring Tina Fey. It's season premiere is this week!
The History Channel has a tv special, How Playboy Changed The World, airing this week too.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's memoir, Total Recall, is due this week.

The complete series of House starring Hugh Laurie is due on dvd.

Dark Shadows starring Johnny Depp hits dvd.

Music this week: Muse's The 2nd Law, Van Morrison's Born To Sing, Papa Roach's The Connection, Three Days Grace's Transit To Venus, Heart's Fanatic and Mark Eitzel's Don't Be A Stranger.

Movies this week: Taken 2 starring Liam Neeson and the animated Frankenweenie from Tim Burton, which stars Martin Short.